Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Concept of Geography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Concept of Geography - Essay Example The location of place and things is the starting point of geographic study. Location can be described in two different ways: relative and absolute and it commonly answer the question â€Å"where is it†. The absolute location involves the position of events or features in space or it is the identification of place by a precise and accepted system coordinates. It uses some geographical coordinates a good example is 300 North 450 west to show a specific location on the earth’s globe. In relative location descriptive texts are used in describing the position of events and features in relation to other events it can sometimes be referred to the mathematical location. If asked the question to mention the distance and direction of a place from another place, using relative location it would be, it is 40 mile south of town B. According to geography, region is groupings of different geographic information. It can be defined by on e or more distinctive characteristics. Normally, regions are based on the physical features, culture or religion and even political boundaries. A region can either be formal, perceptual or functional. Formal regions can also be referred to as homogenous or uniform regions, places that are homogenous in nature share common traits such as the residence of a country. Functional regions s defined as a region that is held by a focal point an example can be a school district for an elementary school. A vernacular region also known as popular region, it is a region that only exists as a part of an ethnic identity or cultural identity and is not influenced by political boundaries. The third geographic concept is spatial interaction or effect. This is as a result of an event in one region or area that ends up affecting another totally different area and takes a look at the connectivity and relationship of features. Spatial geographic concept can be grouped into diffusion, interaction and distribution. Spatial diffusion is the outward spread of a substance, a concept, a practice or population from its point of origin to other areas. Spatial distribution can be considered as the arrangement of things on the earth’s surface. An example is a change in land use from rural to high density can affect traffic congestion in adjoining areas. To be more specific, a mountain eruption that occurred in the late nineties of Mount Saint Helen affected an area far beyond the volcanic site that was caused by the ash fallout that reached states next to it. Migration can also be considered as a concept in geography. It involves both pull and push factors, all which defines the interrelationship between people or animals and their environment. Push migration factor is caused by negative conditions in a habitat hence causing or impels the decision to migrate from your original habi tat o the new habitat. These factors may include overcrowding, war, famine or

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